Fig. 2.
Increased AMPA receptor responses are not due to altered presynaptic activity in SJ1-KO neurons. (A) The mEPSC recording from WT and SJ1-KO neurons (14 DIV) preincubated for 40 h in either control conditions or in the presence of 10 μM CNQX. (B) Cumulative distributions of mEPSC amplitudes demonstrating that CNQX pretreatment increases mEPSC amplitude in both WT and SJ1-KO neurons. (C and D) Barograms showing a statistically significant increase of amplitude (C), and therefore also of apparent frequency (D), in SJ1-KO neurons relative to WT both in control and CNQX-treated cultures, thus proving that altered presynaptic activity cannot account for the increased mEPSC amplitude in SJ1-KO neurons.