Table 3.
Baseline characteristics of groups of participants according to combined sTM and factor VIIIc tertiles
Group 1* (UT/LE)§ (n=81) | Group 2 (MT/LE) (n=89) | Group 3 (LT/LE) (n=101) | Group 4 (UT/ME) (n=76) | Group 5 (MT/ME) (n=81) | Group 6 (LT/ME) (n=88) | Group 7 (UT/UE) (n=110) | Group 8 (MT/UE) (n=89) | Group 9 (LT/UE) (n=76) | |
Age, yrs | 52.5 | 52.2 | 51.8 | 55.3 | 52.1 | 55.0 | 57.4+ | 55.4 | 54.0 |
Men, % | 56.8 | 63.2 | 35.5 | 52.5 | 34.6+ | 22.6 | 44.2 | 44.3 | 23.0 |
Afr. American, % | 0.1 | 13.3+ | 24.4+ | 19.4+ | 40.9+ | 27.4+ | 30.5+ | 30.9+ | 42.7+ |
SBP, mmHg | 121.6 | 120.3 | 117.6 | 119.3 | 115.7 | 120.8 | 127.5+ | 122.3 | 120.1 |
TC, mg/dl | 215.8 | 224.7 | 215.3 | 209.4 | 205.3 | 214.7 | 218.0 | 211.1 | 199.9 |
HDL-C, mg/dl | 54.6 | 55.1 | 57.2 | 54.5 | 47.4 | 57.1 | 49.4 | 52.5 | 53.8 |
TG, mg/dl | 130.2 | 129.1 | 111.9 | 120.2 | 122.6 | 116.1 | 153.1 | 111.1 | 108.9 |
Fibrinogen, mg/dl | 280.9 | 286.4 | 280.4 | 297.8 | 303.9 | 299.7 | 321.3+ | 335.1 | 319.5+ |
Cigarette- years | 286.0 | 286.9 | 395.8 | 195.6 | 278.5 | 314.1 | 257.4 | 362.0 | 230.8 |
Ethanol intake, gr/wk | 17.1 | 52.7 | 55.7 | 38.0 | 21.3 | 61.0 | 14.6 | 60.1 | 41.0 |
WBC, ×103/μL | 6.0 | 5.8 | 5.8 | 5.9 | 6.6 | 6.3 | 6.1 | 6.6 | 6.3 |
VWF, % | 92.4 | 82.7 | 92.0 | 106.8 | 117.0+ | 116.7+ | 160.4+ | 161.7+ | 164.0+ |
Hypertension, % | 25.8 | 19.9 | 23.9 | 25.9 | 32.1 | 24.6 | 48.9 | 34.1 | 22.2 |
Diabetes, % | 1.2 | 2.2 | 1.3 | 1.0+ | 2.8 | 3.7 | 7.5 | 4.2 | 3.0 |
Reference group.
UT, MT and LT denote upper, middle and lower sTM tertiles, respectively; UE, ME and LE, upper, middle and lower FVIIIc tertiles, respectively.
Statistically significant (p<0.0062) compared with Group 1.
Diabetes denotes fasting glucose greater than or equal to 140 mg/dL or nonfasting glucose greater or equal to 200 mg/dL or physician diagnosed diabetes or pharmacologic treatment for diabetes. Hypertension defined as systolic BP ≥ 140 mmHg or diastolic BP ≥ 90 mmHg or current use of antihypertensive medications.