Figure 4.
Sucrose preference data for male and female AC5KO and AC1/8DKO mice depicted as a function of sucrose concentration in bottle “A” (x axis, [w/v]), with inset graphs displaying fluid volume intake. A: Male AC5KO and WT mice showed comparable sucrose preference (genotype × concentration interaction, F5,144 = 0.74, p>0.5), and displayed increased fluid intake at higher sucrose concentrations (F5,144 = 13.20, p<0.0001). B: Female AC5KO mice also displayed sucrose preference scores similar to WT (genotype × concentration interaction, F5,102 = 0.85, p>0.5), as well as increased fluid intake at higher sucrose concentrations (F5,102 = 12.85, p<0.0001). C: Male AC1/8DKO mice exhibited significantly lowered sucrose preference (genotype × concentration interaction, F5,114 = 4.59, p<0.001) together with overall decreases in fluid intake (genotype main effect, F1,113 = 53.18, p<0.0001). D: Female AC1/8DKO mice demonstrated significantly lowered sucrose preference (genotype × concentration interaction, F5,108 = 2.98, p<0.05), with reduced overall fluid intake (genotype main effect, F1,107 = 22.85, p<0.0001). Data are presented as means ± SEM, with * indicating significant post-hoc differences (*:p<0.05, **:p<0.01, ***:p<0.001).