Figure 2a,b.
The subjective and physiological effects of cocaine cue exposure or smoked cocaine base (50 mg) dose in cocaine dependent patients (n=13). For cocaine cue testing, measures were collected 10 minutes prior to cue exposure and within 1 minute after completion of cue exposure. For cocaine dose testing, measures were collected 10 minutes prior to dosing (baseline) and again at 5 and 10 minutes following dosing, and the peak increase in each measure following dosing is presented. Cue testing preceded dose testing, separated by a 40 minute rest period, for all patients. In a) the subjective ratings are presented. In b) the physiological measures are presented. The full time course for the cardiovascular and subjective effects of cocaine were previously reported (Reid et al., 2006). Abbreviations and symbols - coc high: cocaine high, ACTH: adrenocorticotropin hormone, HR: heart rate, BP: blood pressure, sys: systolic, dia: diastolic, a indicates p<0.05 for comparison with pre-cue value, b indicates p<0.05 for comparison with pre-cocaine value, and * indicates p<0.05 for ANOVA comparison between cocaine and cue responding.