Frequency-dependent Ca2+-CaM signals on a beat-to-beat basis
in adult cardiomyocytes expressing either BsCaM-2 or BsCaM-45.
A–C, fluorescence signals from CFP emission
(F480), YFP emission (F530), and the
corresponding ratio (F480/F530) of
BsCaM-2. D–F, signals from F480,
F530, and
F480/F530 of BsCaM-45. G,
averaged data of frequency-dependent diastolic levels of
F480/F530 of BsCaM-2 (•) and
BsCaM-45 (○). n = 6–10. *, p < 0.05
versus 0.1 Hz in the same group. H, averaged data of
amplitude of BsCaM-2 (•) and BsCaM-45 (○). Amplitude:
(Rsystolic –
Rdiastolic)/(Rmax –
Rmin). n = 6–10. *, p < 0.05
versus 0.1 Hz in the same group; #, p < 0.05
versus BsCaM-45 at the same frequency.