Figure 5.
A–E, AP180 and CALM deletion mutants fail to localize to neuronal processes. A, B, Immunolabeling of the HA (red) in the neurons coexpressing EGFP (green) and the HA-tagged AP180 (A) or CALM-L (B) as indicated. WT, Wild-type; ANTH, mutant with the ANTH domain only; ANTHΔ, mutant with the ANTH domain deleted. Arrowheads indicate neurites bearing WT-HA labeling. Scale bars, 10 μm. C–E, Quantification of neuritic AP180-HA (C) or CALM-L-HA (D) or CALM-S-HA (E) in neurons expressing the indicated constructs. Data represent average intensity of AP180-HA (C) or CALM-HA (D, E) fluorescence in neurites divided by that in the soma. **p < 0.001, n = 30 neurons in C, D; n = 20 neurons in E.