Figure 7. Definition of rups groups based on 5′-upstream sequences.
A: Distance tree of rif gene upstream regions (rups) from 3D7. The 5′-sequences containing 1500 bp upstream of each rif gene were aligned with ClustalW. Distance trees were generated using the p-distance/Neighbor-Joining method with pairwise deletion of gaps. The clusters rupsA1, rupsA2, rupsA/B and rupsB were verified by bootstrapping, and bootstrap values are indicated at the branches. The cluster rupsC could not be verified by bootstrapping. Star: RupsA2, rups A/B and rupsB variants with transcription orientation towards centromere, contrary to general transcription orientation. Hash: Upstream regions previously referred to as upsA-rif [48]. B: Chromosomal orientation of variants belonging to each of the rups clusters.