Table 2.
Comparision of the equivalent cations bound in viral RNA polymerases to the structural manganese in ϕ6 RdRP
Virus | PDB ID | RMSD distance (Å)a | Percentage of ϕ6b | Published ion | Resolution (Å) | Distance from ϕ6 Mn2+c | Comments |
WNV | 2hcn | 2.7 | 40 | Ca2+ | 2.4 | 1.6 | From map and coordination geometry it is unlikely to be Ca2+ |
WNV | 2hfz | 2.9 | 50 | Mg2+ | 2.8 | 1.3 | Map and coordination geometry consistent with Mg2+ |
FMDV | 1wne | 2.8 | 51 | Mg2+ | 3.0 | 1.6 | Structure factors not available |
RHDV | 1khv | 2.8 | 52 | (H2O) | 2.5 | – | Lu3+ ion 6.0 Å from Mn2+ in ϕ6. Evidence for Mg2+ in place of H2O at Mn2+ site |
RHDV | 1khw | 2.7 | 52 | – | 2.7 | – | Poor density in region of active site makes interpretation difficult |
NV | 1sh3 | 2.8 | 52 | Mg2+ | 3.0 | 0.9 | Map and coordination geometry consistent with Mg2+ |
NV | 3bso | 2.8 | 52 | (H2O) | 1.7 | 1.4 | Water molecule present in equivalent position in the elongation complex |
DV | 2j7u | 2.8 | 50 | Mg2+ | 1.9 | 1.8 | Map and coordination geometry consistent with Mg2+ |
PV | 1rdr | 2.9 | 33 | Ca2+ | 2.4 | 2.1 | From map and coordination geometry it is unlikely to be Ca2+ |
RV | 1mwh | 2.9 | 42 | Mn2+ | 2.5 | 1.0 | Cap bound structure with Mn2+ion bound in equivalent site |
RV | 1n35 | 2.8 | 42 | – | 2.5 | – | No ion present in equivalent position |
aRMSD of structurally matched Cα atom positions.
bPercentage of ϕ6 RdRp structurally equivalenced.
cDistance of the metal ion binding site from the Mn2+-binding site of ϕ6 RdRp. Based on superposition of Cα atoms using SHP (62) (see Materials and methods section).