Fig. 3.
Antigen-specific effector memory T-cell responses induced by topical DermaVir prime/VacV boost regimen. (A) Mice (four per group) were topically immunized at weeks 0 and 2 with control pVax or pGag DermaVir, either alone or co-formulated with pIL-7 or pIL-15 (25 µg total DNA/immunization) and boosted at week 6 with 2.2 × 106 PFU VacV-Gag (i.p.). IFN-γ production in response to four HIV-1 Gag peptide pools was evaluated by standard ELISPOT at weeks (B) 3 and (C) 6 (before boost) in peripheral cells obtained by retro-orbital bleeding. At week 8, (D) IFN-γ production in total (left panel) and CD8+ T-cell depleted splenocytes (right panel) and (E) IL-4 production in total splenocytes were evaluated by standard ELISPOT. Net number of spots was determined by subtracting the number of spots formed in control medium wells. Asterisk indicates a Gag-specific response (calculated by subtracting the background responses detected in each control group from the corresponding experimental group) that is significantly different (p < 0.05) between pGag DermaVir-immunized mice and mice co-immunized with pGag + the corresponding IL-encoding plasmid DNA DermaVir.