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. 2008 Mar 20;18(12):2775–2788. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhn036

Table 2.

Conjunction of the movement- and imagery-related activities

Regions (BA) Volume (mm3) Coordinates
Z value
x y z
1 L posterolateral cerebellum 4720 −44 −70 −28 Inf
2 R anterior cingulate cortex 11 808 6 12 44 Inf
L medial superior frontal gyrus (BA 6 at 70%) −2 −2 54 Inf
3 R frontal and temporal opercular areas 6512 56 16 −14 Inf
4 R posterolateral cerebellum 2600 32 −68 −36 Inf
5 L frontal and temporal opercular areas 12 512 −46 14 −10 Inf
L globus pallidus −24 −4 −2 5.82
6 L inferior frontal gyrus (BA 44 at 60%) 1968 −54 12 26 Inf.
L inferior precentral gyrus (BA 6 at 50%) −56 6 38 4.12
7 L inferior parietal lobule 7432 −40 −52 58 7.65
L superior parietal lobule −28 −66 58 5.59
L supramarginal gyrus −62 −38 22 5.34
8 R globus pallidus 2968 20 2 4 7.60
9 R superior parietal lobule 16 816 14 −76 52 7.21
R supramarginal gyrus 64 −42 28 6.64
10 L superior frontal sulcus (BA 6 at 40%) 1512 −36 −6 60 7.42
11 L primary visual cortex (BA 17 at 90%) 6432 −4 −88 2 6.37
12 R superior frontal sulcus 1200 34 0 60 6.25

Note: BA, Brodmann area (with probability determined by SPM Anatomy Toolbox when available); Inf, inferior; medial frontal gyrus, medial aspect of the superior frontal gyrus.