SPR binding of Hip1 and Hip1R to clathrin light chain and actin.
Representative SPR plots for steady state binding between Hip proteins and
clathrin light chains or actin are shown. Fitted binding affinities are noted
on each plot, with a vertical line also indicating fitted binding
affinity. A, purified clathrin light b (LCb neuronal isoform) was
immobilized on a CM5 chip by amine coupling. Purified coiled-coil domains of
Hip1 or Hip1R at the concentrations indicated were flowed over the clathrin
light chain surface until a steady state was reached, and the steady state
response units (RU) were plotted. B, actin purified from
rabbit muscle was assembled and immobilized on a CM5 chip by amine coupling.
Purified Hip1 or Hip1R fragments containing the coiled-coil and THATCH domains
(Hip1ccth or Hip1Rccth) were flowed over the F-actin surface at the
concentrations indicated in the presence of saturating amounts (20
μm) of clathrin light chain peptide (CLC) or GroEL
control peptide. All data were collected on a Biacore T100. BiaEvaluation
software (Biacore) was used for steady state analysis of binding data. Curves
with clathrin light chain peptide have no line indicating binding affinity,
because fitted binding affinity was off the scale.