Expression of the CTD construct in JIL-1 null and in wild type larvae. A, double labeling of a female polytene squash preparation from a JIL-1z2/JIL-1z2 third instar larvae expressing the CTD construct. The CTD (in green) was labeled with GFP antibody, and the interband specific protein Chromator (in red) was labeled with mAb 6H11. The composite image (comp) shows the co-localization between the CTD, and Chromator as indicated by the predominantly yellow color. B, expression of the CTD in wild type (wt) larvae dramatically reduced chromosomal levels of endogenous JIL-1 and prevented enrichment on the male X chromosome (X). The upper panel shows the distribution of JIL-1 and the enrichment of JIL-1 on the male X chromosome (X) in a control wild type polytene squash preparation. The labeling of endogenous JIL-1 was with a JIL-1 NH2-terminal domain-specific antibody that does not recognize the CTD domain. The polytene chromosome squash preparations in the upper and middle panels were double-labeled with MSL-2 antibody to show MSL complex localization and with GFP antibody in the lower panel to indicate the distribution of CTD-CFP. The middle and lower panels are from independent experiments.