*CHAT ( Circadian Hyper-Amplitude-Tension. Eight-year course of circadian double amplitude (2A) * of blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR). CH, 60 years of age at start. Each dot represents a profile of measurements of blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) at 30-minute intervals forat least a week (N = 340 to 855/profile [□ or △], total N = 7985). Arrow: learning about health problem. Linear trend (- - - -) over first 6 years (computed without outliers in ovla) is statistically significant. Excerpt for first dot there is no further “profile-CHAT”, despote frequent but not lasting “~24-h-CHAT”, shown elsewhere. The findings of frequent “~24-h-CHAT” but of “profile-CHAT” only once (at start), suggest that at lest week long monitoring should by repeated, when it reveals abnormality. Observations during last 1.5 years (△) have 95% CI not overlapping trend predicted (___) from first 6 years’ results (—). Horizontal lines: upper 95% prediction limit adjusted for gender and age.