Effect of complementation of the lptA+ gene in ΔlptA N. meningitidis on bacterial adhesion to HBMEC. (A) Western blotting for LptA protein. Bacterial extracts equivalent to an OD600 of 0.05 were analyzed. Lane 1, HT1125 (wild type); lane 2, HT1222 (ΔlptA); lane 3, HT1277 (ΔlptA ggt::lptA+-cat); lane 4, HT1278 (ΔlptA ggt::cat). (B and C) Adhesion (B) and internalization (C) of the ΔlptA N. meningitidis mutant in which the lptA+ gene was ectopically complemented. The internalized bacteria were determined as the number of gentamicin-resistant bacteria. Mean CFU of adherent bacteria (B) or gentamicin-resistant bacteria (C) per 104 cells of HBMEC in at least three experiments are shown, and error bars represent the standard errors of the means. *, P < 0.01; **, P < 0.05 (compared to the strain not complemented with the lptA+ gene).