FIG. 5.
Analysis of cell-cell fusion of ARPE-19 cells transduced with mutant forms of gB and gH. Cell-cell fusion of ARPE-19 cells transduced with Ad vectors expressing gB, gH, and gL derived from HCMV strain TR was analyzed. Cell-cell fusion assays were also performed with Ad vectors expressing gB from AD169, AD169 gB lacking the CT domain (ΔCT), or AD169 gB lacking both the CT and TM domains (ΔCTΔTM). Fusion assays were also performed with an Ad vector expressing a mutant gH (sgH) that lacked both the CT and TM domains. Cell-cell fusion was quantified from images as described in the legend to Fig. 1. Values represent the averages derived from three separate images, and the error bars indicate the standard deviations. Asterisks indicate that no fusion was observed.