Absence of Cre-mediated loxP recombination in afferent neurons that project to lumbar spinal cord in 73.12 GFAP-Cre reporter mice. A, B, Qualitative (A) and quantitative (B) analysis of confocal microscopy of the reporter protein GFP combined with retrograde tract tracing in various brain and spinal cord regions after injection of fluorescently labeled tracer into lumbar spinal cord. No retrogradely labeled neurons were observed that expressed GFP in any region examined. The total numbers of cells evaluated from n = 4 mice are shown in parentheses. Values are expressed as the percentage of cells that exhibit colocalization. Cx, Cortex; Red n., red nucleus; Ret. F., reticular formation; Vest. n., vestibular nucleus; T, thoracic spinal cord.