Figure 3.
Histopathological comparison among the mice infected with HhPAId1, WT H. hepaticus or sham dosed. 3.1. Pathological scores for the individual mice from the respective groups. P values, *< 0.05, **<0.01, *** <0.001. 3.2. H&E staining demonstrating representative pathological feaures. A nomal cecum from helicobacter-free male mouse. B. Normal cecum from a HhPAId1-infected mouse. C. Moderate diffuse typhlitis with glandular hyperplasia, mild glandular dysplasia, crypt atrophy, loss of goblet cells, a crypt abcess, and attenuated epithelium from H. hepaticus 3B1-infected mouse. D. Lower magnification of lesion in C; showing moderate mucosal inflammation and hyperplasia with submucosal inflammation and follicular formation along with severe submucosal edema and dilated lymphatic vessels. Bar = 100 μm in A-C, 250 μm in D.