Figure 5.
Specific interaction of B2 and viral RdRP in vivo. (A, B) Coimmunoprecipitation of B2 and protein A of FHV in FHV-infected cells. Total crude protein extracts (Input) prepared 12 hours after mock inoculation or inoculation with FHV virions were immunoprecipitated (IP) with polyclonal antibody to B2 or protein A. A pre-immune antibody was used as a negative control. Western blots were analyzed with the same antibodies to detect coimmunoprecipitated proteins. The proteins coimmunoprecipitated by the B2 antibody were treated with RNase A under high (H) or low salt concentrations (L) before fractionation and Western blot analysis (lanes 1-2 of panel B). (C) Interaction of B2 and protein A in S2 cells in which RNA1 self-replicates in absence of RNA2. Total crude protein extracts (Input) prepared in S2 cells 48 hours after induction of viral RNA replication were immunoprecipitated (IP) with either polyclonal antibody to B2 (lanes 1 and 2) or the pre-immune antibody (lane 3). Mocktransfected S2 cells were used as a negative control (lane 4). As described for Figure 1B, AGO2 was depleted by dsRNA in S2 cells transfected with pFR1ΔB2 to ensure robust replication of FR1ΔB2 (lane 2).