Figure 4.
Recovery functions derived from responses shown in Fig. 3A (patient IV:3, filled circles), Fig. 3B (patient IV:1, triangles), and Fig. 3C (normal control, open circles). Open circles (control), the amplitude of each photoresponse is measured at a fixed time following the probe flash. Relative amplitude is the ratio of A to maximum saturated amplitude (Amo). The dotted curve is an exponential recovery function: A/Amo = exp[-(t-Tsat)/τ], where Tsat is the period of rod saturation that preceded recovery and t is a recovery time constant. Filled circles, recovery function from patient IV:3. Filled triangles, recovery function from patient IV:1. Note the delay in Tsat for each patient (#4940 = 889 ms; #8279 = 802 ms) compared to the normal control (Tsat = 520 ms). Mean normal (based on 10 normal subjects) for Tsat is 490.1 ms, with sd = 111.2 ms.