Table 1.
Characteristic | Value |
No of PAH patients | n = 34 |
Idiopathic PAH | n = 14 |
Familial PAH | n = 6 |
PAH and Collagen vascular disease | n = 5 |
PAH and HIV infection | n = 6 |
PAH and Porto pulmonary syndrome | n = 3 |
Age, yr | 54 ± 17 |
Male/female | 11/23 |
Functional status: | |
NYHA II | n = 18 |
NYHA III | n = 12 |
NYHA IV | n = 4 |
6 min walk test, m | 441 ± 109 |
Hemodynamic variables: | |
Pra, mmHg | 7 ± 4.5 |
sPap, mmHg | 74 ± 21 |
dPap, mmHg | 29 ± 11 |
mPap, mmHg | 45 ± 10 |
Pcwp, mmHg | 6.9 ± 3.3 |
SaO2, % | 95 ± 2 |
SvO2, % | 63 ± 8 |
Q-Fick, l/min | 4.7 ± 1.3 |
CI, l·min-1·m-2 | 2.5 ± 0.6 |
HR, min-1 | 81.5 ± 12 |
SV-Fick, ml/beat | 58.8 ± 16 |
PVR, dynes·s-1·cm-5 | 777 ± 402 |
PAH = idiopatische pulmonary arterial hypertension; NYHA = modified New York Association; Pra = right atrial pressure; sPap = systolic pulmonary artery pressure; dPap = diastolic pulmonary artery pressure; mPap = mean pulmonary artery pressure; Pcwp = pulmonary capillary wedge pressure; Sao2= arterial oxygen saturation SvO2 = mixed venous oxygen saturation; Q-Fick = cardiac output(as estimated by the Fick method; CI = cardiac index; HR = heart rate; SV-Fick = stroke volume PVR = pulmonary vascular resistance; *Values are expressed as mean ± SD