Fig. 5.
MeCP2 expression is sufficient for inhibition of astrocyte differentiation of NSCs/NPCs and oligodendrocytes. (A and B) AHPs were infected with recombinant retrovirus engineered to express only EGFP (pMY), or MeCP2 together with EGFP (pMY-MeCP2-IRES-EGFP), cultured with LIF for 4 days and subjected to immunostaining. GFP (A and B, green), S100β (A, red), GFAP (B, red). (Scale bar: 50 μm.) Percentages of S100β- and GFAP-positive cells in EGFP-positive cells were quantified (Upper and Lower graphs, respectively). Data are mean ± SD. (C) AHPs were transfected with MBP-Cre together with CAG-CAT-EGFP and CAG floxed neo, or with CAG-CAT-EGFP and CAG floxed neo-MeCP2, and were allowed to differentiate into oligodendrocytes for 4 days. The cells were then cultured with LIF for an additional 4 days, followed by immunocytochemical staining using antibodies against GFAP and S100β. (Scale bar: 50 μm.) Percentages of GFAP- and S100β-positive cells in EGFP-expressing cells were quantified (Right). Data are mean ± SD.