FIG. 9.
Comparison of ANF and BM frequency tuning at apical sites of the chinchilla cochlea. Solid lines: isovelocity tuning curves for vibrations at apical sites in 2 chinchilla cochleae. Dashed lines: synthetic chinchilla ANF FTCs constructed in the same manner as the FTCs of Fig. 4 for CFs comparable to the nominal CFs of the mechanical responses (see Table 1 of Rhode and Cooper 1996). Thick lines: 500-Hz CF; thin lines: 600-Hz CF. The isovelocity curves have been computed on the basis of 1-nm tuning curves in Fig. 12 of Rhode and Cooper (1996): BM vibrations in ch33 (500-Hz CF; 5 μm/s criterion) and tectorial-membrane vibrations in ch35 (600-Hz CF; 30 μm/s criterion). Numbers of ANFs averaged at frequencies near CF: 139 (500 Hz) and 187 (600 Hz).