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. 2008 Aug 28;23(11):1784–1790. doi: 10.1007/s11606-008-0760-4

Table 1.

Measures of Clinical Quality

Composite measure Individual item content
Processes of care: Prevention (αST = 0.93, αMD = 0.97) Cervical cancer screening
Denominator: Women 21–64 years old
Numerator: Pap smear within the prior 3 years
Breast cancer screening
Denominator: Women 52–69 years old
Numerator: Mammogram within the prior 2 years
Colorectal cancer screening
Denominator: Adults 51–80 years old
Numerator: (1) fecal occult blood test within 1 year; or (2) flexible sigmoidoscopy within the prior 5 years; or (3) double contrast barium enema within the prior 5 years,* or (4) colonoscopy within the prior 10 years
Chlamydia screening
Denominator: Sexually active women 16–25 years old
Numerator: Chlamydia screening test within 1 year
Processes of care: Disease management (αST = 0.88, αMD = 0.94) Cholesterol screening for patients with cardiovascular conditions
Denominator: Adults 18–75 years old discharged alive for acute myocardial infarction, coronary artery bypass graft or percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty, or who had a diagnosis of ischemic vascular disease
Numerator: Low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol test within 1 year
Appropriate asthma medications
Denominator: Adults 18–75 years old diagnosed with persistent asthma
Numerator: Provided at least one prescription for inhaled steroid, nedocromil, cromolyn sodium, leukotriene modifier, or methylxanthine during the measurement year
Diabetes care:
Eye exam
HbA1c testing
LDL cholesterol testing
Nephropathy screening
Denominator: Adults 18–75 years with diabetes diagnosis
Numerators: Dilated eye exam within the prior year
HbA1c exam within the prior year
LDL cholesterol exam within the prior year
Urine microalbumin exam within prior year
Outcomes of care (αST = 0.86, αMD = 0.93) Cholesterol management for patients with cardiovascular conditions
Denominator: Adults 18–75 years old meeting criteria for cardiovascular disease and having an LDL cholesterol test within 1 year
Numerator: LDL cholesterol result <130 mg/dL
Diabetes care:
LDL cholesterol control diabetes care – poor HbA1c control
Denominator: Adults 18–75 years old with diabetes and laboratory test within 1 year
Numerators: LDL cholesterol result <130 mg/dl HbA1c >9%
Controlling high blood pressure
Denominator: Adults 46–85 years old with diagnosis of hypertension
Numerator: Blood pressure ≤140/90

*Barium enema criteria not applied to the physician-level data

†This measure was only available for the site-level analyses

αST = Cronbach’s alpha derived from site-level data, αMD = Cronbach’s alpha derived from adult physician-level data