Acute Blockade of LTP by Chemical Genetic Inhibition of MyoVb
(A) Schematic diagram illustrating the chemical genetic inhibition strategy using a transgenic mouse line expressing V5-tagged MyoVb-Y119G. See text for details.
(B) Acute inhibition of MyoVb motility disrupts LTP in hippocampal slices. Hippocampal slices were acutely prepared from MyoVb-WT (WT) or MyoVb-Y119G transgenic (Tg) mice, and AMPA receptor-mediated EPSCs were measured as illustrated in Figure S9A. Left panel, LTP was induced using high-frequency stimulation (arrow). PE-ADP or water was included in the recording pipette solution. n = 7, 7 and 12 animals for WT PE-ADP, Tg water and Tg PE-ADP respectively. Error bars indicate SEM. Right panel, representative EPSC traces (averages of six consecutive EPSCs) were evoked from CA1 pyramidal cells in each condition at the times indicated (1 and 2, corresponding to time points in the left panel graph). Scale: 200 pA, 10 msec.
(C) Schematic model for spine mobilization of AMPA receptor-containing recycling endosomes by Ca2+-regulated MyoVb during LTP. See text for details.