Fig. 3.
Effects of ghrelin and desacyl ghrelin injected ip singly or in combination on Fos-immunoreactivity (Fos-ir) in the ARC. 13 μg/kg ghrelin ip induced an increase in the number of Fos-ir positive neurons (black staining) in the ARC (B). Desacyl ghrelin (64 μg/kg) injected alone induced a little less neuronal activity in the ARC (C). The effect of peripheral ghrelin (13 μg/kg) on neuronal activity in the ARC was significantly reduced by simultaneous injection with desacyl ghrelin (D) (64 μg/kg-body wt). After saline injection only few Fos-ir positive neurons were found in the ARC (A). The white line delineates the area of the arcuate nucleus in accordance with landmarks from the Paxinos and Watson rat brain atlas [28]. The white scale bar represents 100 μm. 3V=third ventricle.