The effects of composted animal manure applied as a mulch beneath citrus trees on bioassay measurements of the numbers of entomopathogenic nematodes killed by trapping nematophagous fungi (NF) (A) or endoparasitic NF (B), the numbers of enchytraeid worms (C) and mites and collembola (D) and Tylenchulus semipen-etrans (E) in assay plates. Half of the plots in each treatment were treated with S. riobrave, and the remaining plots remained untreated. Treatment differences according to two-way analysis of variance of transformed data (arcsin, square-root) are denoted by @(P ≤ 0.10), *(P ≤ 0.05) or **(P ≤ 0.01). Error bars are standard errors of means. Composted horse manure was applied in March 2004, and composted chicken manure was applied in the same plots on 10 June 2005. Dotted lines indicate S. riobrave application dates.