Table 5.
Clone name | Deletion size (bp) | Microhomologya |
4ar | 4 | none |
2ar | 4b | none |
5ar | 4 | none |
6ar | 7 | a |
8cr | 7 | none |
7ar | 10 | a |
6cr | 22c | none |
10ar | 28 | ggg |
8ar | 28 | ggg |
2br | 31 | c |
5cr | 49 | none |
3br | 55 | ctt |
10br | 100d | none |
1ar | 244 | c |
1br | 244 | gc |
5br | 403 | c |
9ar | 1141 | accc |
For NHEJ junctions displaying microhomology (segments of sequence identity) at the joined DNA termini, the actual sequence of microhomology shared between the joined termini is shown.
Clone 2ar displayed a 4 bp deletion plus a run of 12 consecutive T residues inserted at the DSB site.
Clone 6cr displayed a net deletion of 22 bp, including an insertion of a three bp sequence (tta) at the DSB site.
Clone 10br displayed a net deletion of 100 bp, including an insertion of a 16 bp sequence (taataactgaaaacag) at the DSB site.