SS response properties during translation in the horizontal plane. A, Peak response amplitude (top) and phase (bottom) of the cell of Figure 1 during translation (otolith activation alone; gray circles/solid lines), tilt (activation of both otolith and semicircular canals; open circles/dashed lines), and tilt-translation (semicircular canal activation alone; black triangles/solid lines), plotted versus motion direction. Phase is expressed relative to linear acceleration (translation) or angular velocity (tilt and tilt-translation). Notice that translation and tilt-translation responses are aligned not only spatially but also temporally: translation phase lags linear acceleration by ∼90°, illustrating responses in phase with velocity (tilt-translation phase slightly leads velocity). B, Distribution of tuning ratio (0.5 Hz; n = 243). C, Distribution of response phase along the preferred direction in the horizontal plane (0.5 Hz; n = 243).