Figure 1.
Threshold level of the 500 Hz tonal target (at the ear with the more intense signal when a level difference was imposed) for all seven listeners across the 18 conditions. Diotic thresholds for the noise maskers are shown with solid lines and diotic thresholds for the multitone maskers are shown with dashed lines. Listeners are ordered by multitone thresholds. In each panel, the filled symbols correspond to the thresholds for the noise maskers and the open symbols correspond to the thresholds for the multitone maskers. The squares represent thresholds for ITD alone, the circles represent ILD alone, the triangles indicate reinforcing ITD and ILD (+), and the inverted triangles indicate opposing ITD and ILD (−). The upper panel contains the thresholds for the smaller binaural differences (6 dB and 300 μs) while the lower panel contains thresholds for the larger binaural differences (12 dB and 600 μs). Error bars represent the critical interval (± two standard errors of the mean).