Fig. 5.
Immunohistochemical localization of anole hard keratins aHA1 and aHB1. Cryosections of A. carolinensis digits were analyzed by immunohistochemistry using antisera specific for aHA1 (A and B) and aHB1 (C and D). Red staining marks expression of these keratins. Preincubation of the antisera with peptides corresponding to the respective immunization epitope (B and D) blocked the staining and confirmed the specificity of the antisera. Preincubation of the anti-aHA1 antiserum with the aHB1 peptide and vice versa did not block the reaction. In B, white asterisks indicate artefacts caused by folding of tissue fragments over the sectioned claw. (Insets) Larger magnifications of the boxed areas. cl, claw; m, matrix; sc, scale. [White scale bar, 100 μm; black bar, 20 μm.]