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. 2008 Dec;19(12):2414–2419. doi: 10.1681/ASN.2008010022

Table 1.

Characteristics of study population among those with and without CKDa

Characteristic CKD (29%) No CKD (71%)
Age (yr; n [%])
    <45 636 (0.9) 10,737 (6.1)
    45 to 59 12,432 (17.4) 74,827 (42.6)
    60 to 74 28,395 (39.6) 57,607 (32.8)
    ≥75 30,203 (42.1) 32,339 (18.4)
Male (n [%]) 69,338 (96.8) 167,692 (95.6)
Black (n [%]) 11,450 (16.0) 34,098 (19.4)
GFR (ml/min per 1.73 m2; mean [SD]) 42.5 (14.0) 87.9 (22.5)
Diabetes (n [%]) 37,130 (51.8) 60,360 (34.4)
CVD (n [%])b 43,589 (60.8) 61,871 (35.3)
Cancer (n [%])c 21,742 (30.3) 45,814 (26.1)
Charlson Comorbidity Index (n [%])
    0 to 1 12,652 (17.7) 64,926 (37.0)
    2 to 3 22,434 (31.3) 57,846 (33.0)
    ≥4 36,580 (51.0) 52,738 (30.1)
LOS (d; n [%])
    <3 days 24,337 (34.0) 67,941 (38.7)
    ≥3 47,329 (66.0) 107,569 (61.3)
eGFR (n [%])
    ≥60 176,020 (100)
    45 to <60 37,768 (53.1)
    30 to <45 20,268 (28.5)
    <30 13,120 (18.4)

All comparisons were significant at P < 0.001.


One or more of the following: Congestive heart failure, coronary artery disease, or cerebrovascular disease.


Excluding nonmelanomatous skin cancer.