Figure 1.
Expression of collagen within desmoplastic reaction. (a) In normal liver picrosirius red positive fibrillar collagen is only present within portal tracts (arrowed). (b) In areas of tumour desmoplasia picrosirius red positive fibrillar collagen is abundant. This is most dense in association with the most poorly differentiated areas. (c) Activated hepatic myofibroblasts demonstrated by α-smooth muscle actin immunopositivity are plentiful within the deposited desmoplastic matrix. (d) Collagen I is the major component of desmoplastic neomatrix. (e) In normal liver collagen IV is found in the space of Disse (below line) but within areas of tumour desmoplasia deposition of collagen IV is denser and more widespread. Images representative of staining patterns identified in livers of 10 different patients. 100x magnification.