PCP2 is localized to most, but not all, types of ON bipolar cells. A–H, Staining for PKC and PCP2 in transgenic mouse retina that expresses EGFP in all ON bipolar cells. A–D, Inner nuclear layer (INL). PCP2 is expressed by rod bipolar cells (PKC-positive) (r) and certain types of ON cone bipolar cells (EGFP-positive and PKC-negative) (c). Other cone bipolar cells (strongly expressing EGFP) were negative for PCP2 (outlined). E–H, Inner plexiform layer (IPL). ON bipolar cells stratifying at 60–80% (stratum 4) of the inner plexiform layer were unlabeled for PCP2 (arrows). The numbers to the right designate strata in this layer. I–K, Staining for PCP2 in GUS8.4-GFP transgenic retina that expresses GFP in type 7 ON cone bipolar cells and also some, but not all, rod bipolar cells. In the INL, certain GFP-positive cells were PCP2-positive (arrowhead). In the IPL, some GFP-positive processes, mainly in stratum 5 and thus probably rod bipolar processes, were PCP2-positive (arrowhead). Other somas in the INL stained weakly or negatively for PCP2 (outlined and marked with an asterisk), and these gave rise to GFP-positive PCP2-negative processes in stratum 4 of the IPL (arrows). These are type 7 cone bipolar cells.