Relative subcellular distribution and activity of hypoxic
reduction to NO within liver
tissue. A, subcellular fractionation of hepatic tissue reveals
that -dependent NO formation is
nonuniformly distributed among cell compartments. B, specific
activity of reduction to NO within
subcellular fractions reveals that both cytosolic (S3) and mitochondrial (P2)
compartments exhibit the highest specific
reductase activities. C,
pyridine nucleotide (NAD(P)H, 100 μm) enhances hypoxia-induced
reduction to NO (70–110%
increase from control) within the mitochondrial fraction (n = 2).
D, upon supplying to
microsomal fractions (containing cyt P450), rapid formation of an
iron-nitrite complex precedes formation of an ironnitrosyl
(λmax = 448 nm) prior to release of NO. Inset,
microsomal NO generation from is
concentration-dependent. Increasing
(0.1–1.0 mm) in hepatic microsomes potentiates NO formation
(n = 3).