Fig. 5.
Effects of PLA2 inhibitors on Aβ42-induced membrane changes in the molecular order. The membrane biphasic order changes induced by Aβ42 (1 µM) was totally suppressed by MAFP (5 µM) as indicated by GP-GPo values (GPo=0.074±0.06, is the GP of control cells pretreated with 5 µM of MAFP in DMSO) exhibiting negative numbers only (left), but was not suppressed by BEL (5 µM) (GPo= −0.059±0.018, is the GP of control cells pretreated with 5 µM of BEL in DMSO) (right). (B) GP distribution after treatment with Aβ42 for cells pretreated with MAFP (left) and BEL (right).