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. 2008 Oct 16;12(5):R128. doi: 10.1186/cc7088

Table 1.

Clinical data of patient groups

Critically ill non-septic n = 10 Severe sepsis n = 16 p
Age 61 +/- 5 56 +/- 4 ns

APACHE II score at inclusion 12 +/- 1 26 +/- 2 < 0.05

SAPS II score at inclusion 23 +/- 2 57 +/- 4 < 0.01

SOFA score at inclusion 3 +/- 1 15 +/- 1 < 0.001

Mechanically ventilated at inclusion (n) 6 16

Vasopressor treatment at inclusion (n) 0 13

Antibiotic treatment at inclusion (n) 8 16

Steroid dose* 3 mg/kg/24hours (n) 0 8

Serum interleukin-6 at inclusion (pg/ml) 20.77 +/- 13.37 4304 +/- 2466 < 0.001

Serum procalcitonin at inclusion (μg/l) 0.25 +/- 0.18 39.38 +/- 23.56 < 0.001

White blood cell count at inclusion (G/l) 11.94 +/- 1.17 14.94 +/- 3.09 ns

Lymphocyte count at inclusion (G/l] 1.47 +/- 0.19 0.88 +/- 0.24 < 0.05

Mean +/- standard error of the mean. APACHE II = Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II; ns = not significant; SAPS II = Simplified Acute Physiology Score II; SOFA = Sepsis related Organ Failure Assessment.

* hydrocortisone; before or at the time of sample acquisition.