Figure 4.
Bulk [Ca2+]i is neither necessary nor sufficient to dictate CREB signal strength. (A) Despite Cd2+ effects on Ca2+ flux, release from intracellular stores might maintain bulk [Ca2+]. (B) Fura-2 Ca2+ imaging experiment. Various [K+]o with and without Cd2+ were applied as indicated. (C) Increased [Ca2+]i plotted against Ca2+ flux (from Fig. 3). Δ[Ca2+]i data from 10–23 cells and three to five experiments. Linear fit correlation coefficient equals 0.995 (P < 0.0005). (D) Log–log plot of CREB signal strength versus Δ[Ca2+]i for the indicated conditions. Solid lines are linear fits through the data points collected with varying [K+]o or [Cd2+]. (E) Possible gating-driven conformational changes working in concert with elevated bulk Ca2+. (top) Hypothetical conformational change repositions a local signaling determinant (circle). When combined with high local Ca2+ elevations, strong signaling to the nucleus is engaged (green). In the Ca2+-free solution (0 Ca2+), the conformational change remains, but the signaling determinant is not activated (red). (bottom) Can conformational change contribute to signaling in conjunction with increases in bulk Ca2+. (F) Nuclear pCREB levels from cells stimulated for 10 s in 2 mM Ca2+ (high local Ca2+) or for 15 s in the presence of caffeine with 0 Ca2+ (bulk Ca2+). Error bars represent SEM.