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. 2008 Sep 29;52(12):4503–4506. doi: 10.1128/AAC.01075-08


Strains and lines of L. panamensis evaluated in this study

Strain group, abbreviated code Leishmania panamensis strain
1166 WT MHOM/COL/86/1166
Selected in vitro as promastigotes with SbIII
    800.3 MHOM/COL/86/1166-800.3
    800.5 MHOM/COL/86/1166-800.5
    1000.1 MHOM/COL/86/1166-1000.1
Selected in vitro as amastigotes with SbV, SRA898 MHOM/COL/86/1166-SRA898
Clinical strains (n = 26)
    Isolated from patients with successful treatment
        3332 MHOM/COL/99/3332
        4790 MHOM/COL/96/4790
        6138 MHOM/COL/02/6138
    Isolated from patients with clinical treatment failurea
        3594 (I) MHOM/COL/02/3594
        3594 (R1) MHOM/COL/02/3594-R1
        3594 (R2) MHOM/COL/02/3594-R2
        3271 (I) MHOM/COL/98/3271
        3271 (R1) MHOM/COL/02/3594-R1
        3278 (I) MHOM/COL/98/3278
        3278 (R1) MHOM/COL/98/3278-R1

I, isolated at time of diagnosis; R1, isolated at time of first relapse; R2, isolated at time of second relapse.