FIG. 9.
Production of cytokines and chemokines in the lungs of mice treated or mock-treated with triamcinolone and infected with wt RSV or mG RSV, following the experimental scheme shown in Fig. 5A. Groups of mice treated with triamcinolone are indicated with a “t.” (A) Q-RT-PCR analysis of pulmonary mRNA. The difference in mRNA abundance in the infected-cell sample (normalized to an internal housekeeping mRNA control) compared to that of the mock-treated sample (normalized to an internal housekeeping control) was expressed in log2 units. The values of the mock group were equal to 1. (B) Analysis of cytokine and chemokine expression at the protein level by ELISA, expressed as pg per g of lung tissue. All of the cytokines and chemokines shown in panel A also were analyzed in panel B, but the results are shown only for those where there was a clear change compared to the mock. Mean values ± SE are calculated based on four mice per group infected with wt RSV or mG RSV and treated with triamcinolone; all other groups contained three mice per group. Statistically significant differences between the values for the wt RSV-infected groups and the mG RSV-infected groups are indicated with asterisks.