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. 2008 Dec;72(4):590–641. doi: 10.1128/MMBR.00016-08


Polyenic α-pyrone derivatives

Name Molecular formula Source Inhibitory potency (reference)
Aurovertin A, C27H34O9; B, C25H32O8; C, C24H30O8; D, C25H32O9; E, C23H30O7 C. arbuscula 9.2 μmol/mg proteina and 25 μMc (aurovertin A, bovine heart MF1-ATPase) (232); 2 μMa (aurovertin B, EF1-ATPase) (353); 17-30 nmol/mg proteina and 0.1 μMc (aurovertin B, bovine heart MF1-ATPase) (232); 2 nmol/mg proteina and 0.6 μMc (aurovertin C, bovine heart SMP) (232); 0.9 μMa (aurovertin D, EF1-ATPase) (353); 1 μMa (aurovertin D, EF1-ATPase) (436); 9-20 nmol/mg proteina and 60 nMc (aurovertin D, bovine heart MF1-ATPase) (232); 1.6 μmol/mg proteina and 22 μMc (aurovertin E, bovine heart SMP) (232); 80 nMa (rat liver MF1-ATPase) (108); 66% inhibition at 10 μM (bovine heart MF1-ATPase) (325)
Citreoviridin A, C23H30O6; B, unknown; C, C23H30O6; D, C24H32O6 A, Penicillium citreoviride, Penicillium toxicarium, Penicillium ochrosalmoneum, Aspergillus terreus; B, A. terreus; C, A. terreus; D, A. terreus 60 μMa (EF1-ATPase) (353); 1.11 μmol/mg proteina (bovine heart MF1-ATPase) (232); 2 μMb (S. cerevisiae MF1-ATPase) (136); 4.23 μMb (354) (bovine heart MF1-ATPase); 2.82 μMb (354), 6.1 μMb (354) (bovine heart SMP-ATPase); 3.1 μMc (232), 4.1 μMc (354) (bovine heart MF1-ATPase); 60 μMc (EF1-ATPase) (353)
Asteltoxin C23H30O7 A. stellatus Curzi, E. variecolor 10 μMa (EF1-ATPase) (352); ∼450 nMa (state 3 respiration of rat liver mitochondria) (200); 8 μMc (EF1-ATPase) (352)




