SnRK1 activity varies with different nutrient conditions. Seeds from wild-type (WT2-CS60000) plants were grown on 0.8% agar, no nutrients, low nutrients (0.5× MS salts), optimal nutrients (0.5× MS salts, 3% Suc), or 6% Glc (0.5× MS salts, 6% Glc) under low light for 7 d. The seeds grown in 6% Glc were allowed to germinate in 0.5× MS medium for 4 d and then transferred to 6% Glc medium for 3 d. SnRK1 activity with an SPS peptide was measured from crude plant extracts precipitated with ammonium sulfate according to the method described (Radchuk et al., 2006). Bars represent means ± se of three replicates. The experiment was independently repeated two times. *, P < 0.05 compared with no nutrients.