Fig. 1. Depletion of Snail2 reveals changes in gene expression in premigratory avian neural crest cells.
(A, B) Depictions of avian embryos at developmental stages when premigratory neural crest cells are undergoing EMT in the dorsal neural tube: (A) in the trunk (between somites −1 and +4) of an embryo with 21–23 pairs of somites, and (B) in the midbrain of an embryo with approximately six pairs of somites. (C) Flow diagram of the assays performed to elucidate the effect of depleted levels of Snail2 on candidate gene expression levels during EMT in trunk and midbrain neural crest. (D) Responsiveness of various candidate genes to decreased Snail2 protein levels in the trunk 4 hours and 2 hours after treatment with the MO, as assessed by QPCR. Results for Cad6B expression in the trunk and midbrain are also shown after a 30 minute treatment with the Snail2 or control MO. Results are reported as fold difference relative to that obtained with the control MO. Black bars, Snail2 MO; white bars, control MO. Results presented are an average of at least two independent experiments performed with quadruple replicates for each condition (Snail2 or control MO).