Fig. 1.
Transcription analysis of Ogre subfamilies MT1-MT4 in M. truncatula. RT-PCR reactions were performed with total RNA isolated from flowers (F), leaves (L) or roots (R) and primers specific for individual subfamilies (+ and − indicate the presence or absence of reverse transcriptase in otherwise identical RT reactions). The primers specific for individual subfamilies were designed to amplify a region between ORF2 and ORF3 including the potential intron (Supplementary Fig. S1). Positions of amplified full-length (unspliced) fragments on the gels are indicated with U, and their spliced variants are marked with S or Sx. The lanes marked G and 0 include control PCR reactions with genomic DNA and no template, respectively, and lane M is the DNA size marker (lambda DNA digested with PstI). The lanesAS in panels MT3 and MT4 show detection of antisense transcripts from roots (using forward primers for RT reaction), whereas all other RT reactions were performed using reverse primers, thus detecting the sense transcripts. Sequences of RT-PCR products are available from GenBank under accession numbers FK700536–FK700710