(A) (Top) Spatiotemporal firing pattern of pyramidal cells with the
stimulus at zero coherence. x-Axis, time;
y-axis, cells labeled by their preferred directions.
Two targets are separately presented at 90° and 270°
(indicated by arrows). The targets and the motion stimulus are presented
at 500 ms and 1,300 ms, respectively. But there is a latency (about 200
ms) for the visual signal to reach LIP. (Bottom) Time course of the
population firing rates for the two neural pools, each consisting of 140
neurons and separately centered at 90°
1, black) and 270°
2, red), and for the neurons whose
preferred directions are at least 26° away from 90° and
270° (blue), respectively. (B) Network activity patterns shown
with a color-coded firing rate map for three coherence levels. The
coherent motion direction is 90° (indicated by triangles). (C)
Time course of population firing rates r
(solid curves) and r
2 (dashed curves),
averaged over 1,000 correct trials, for various coherence levels. See
Results for detailed description.