Neither caspase-3 nor caspase-7 deficiency protects from Salmonella-induced macrophage cell death. A and B, macrophages from wild type, caspase-1−/−, caspase-3−/−, and caspase-7−/− mice were infected with wild type S. typhimurium (Salm) or a flagellin-deficient mutant (Salm flib/c−) for 2 h at multiplicity of infection 5. Extracellular bacteria were washed away, and cell death was studied by measuring membrane damage (Live/Dead assay, Invitrogen) (A) and DNA fragmentation using ELISA (Roche Applied Science) (B) according to the manufacturers’ instructions. Results represent mean ± standard deviation of triplicates and are representative of three independent experiments. CASP1, caspase-1; CASP3, caspase-3; CASP7, caspase-7; CTRL, control; WT, wild type.