CA feeding increases p300 interaction with FXR in mouse liver.
A, mice were tail vein-injected with Ad-3Flag-FXR or control Ad-empty
and 5 days later, were fed normal (-) or 0.5% CA-supplemented (+) chow for 6
h. p300 was immunoprecipitated from liver nuclear extracts, and Flag-FXR in
the immunoprecipitates was detected by Western blotting. B and
C, uninfected mice were fed normal or 0.5% CA chow for 6 h, and
livers were collected for further studies. B, the Shp and Cyp7a1 mRNA
levels were determined by q-RTPCR, and normalized to those of 36B4. The S.E.
was calculated using the Student's t test (n = 3);
*, p < 0.05. C, interaction between endogenous
p300, and FXR was detected by coimmunoprecipitation. FXR was
immunoprecipitated from liver nuclear extracts, and p300 in the
immunoprecipitates were detected by Western blotting. p300 and IgG heavy chain
are indicated by an arrow and asterisk, respectively.