Table 1.
Case report and (reference) | Type of neoplasm | Age/sex | Symmetric (S) vs. asymmetric (A) | Timing* (weeks) | Small joint involvement |
Present case | Small cell carcinoma of lung | 43 years/M | A | 24 | + |
Stummvoll et al. 4 | Adenocarcinoma of colon | 49 years/M | S | 6 | + |
Eggelmeijer et al. 9 | Supraglottic squamous cell carcinoma | 50 years/M† | S | 44/52 | +/+ |
Bennett et al. 10 | Adenocarcinoma of ovary | 59 years/F | S | 12 | + |
Madiedo JM et al. 7 | Non-small cell carcinoma | 59 years/F | S | 28 | + |
Pines et al. 5 | Breast cancer | 60 years/F | S | 14 | + |
Pines et al. 5 | Unknown primary | 62 years/F | S | 12 | + |
Pines et al. 5 | Oat cell carcinoma | 68 years/M | S | 6 | + |
Chuan et al. 8 | Tubular adenocarcinoma of stomach | 68 years/M | S | 80 | + |
Bradley et al. 3 | Spindle cell carcinoma | 69 years/M | S | 6 | + |
Stummvoll et al. 4 | Small Cell carcinoma of lung | 70 years/M | S | 4 | + |
Simon and Ford 11 | Adenocarcinoma Of colon | 76 years/F | S | 16 | + |
F = female, M = male
+ Positive, - negative
*Time period between arthritis symptoms and diagnosis of neoplasm
†This patient presented with carcinoma polyarthritis twice