Table 3.
Association of covariates with transitions to the most aggressive category compared to the least aggressive category (left most column) and transitions to intermediate care compared to the least aggressive category (right most column). Table entries are odds ratios with 95% confidence intervals in brackets. Data from the Johns Hopkins Precursors Study (1999–2002).
Transition to mostaggressive categorycompared to transitionto least aggressive category | Transition tointermediate carecategory compared totransition to leastaggressive category | |
Age 70 years and older in 1999(reference: Less than 70 years old) | 0.93[0.53, 1.61] | 1.05[0.66, 1.68] |
Decline in mental health from 1999 to2002 of 5 points or more (reference:Less than 5 point decline) | 0.88[0.46, 1.69] | 0.68[0.37, 1.24] |
Decline in physical health from 1999 to2002 of 20 points or more (reference:Less than 20 point decline) | 0.95[0.38, 2.37] | 0.86[0.40, 1.83] |
No living will or durable power ofattorney for health care (reference:Reports having a living will or durablepower of attorney for health care) | 1.96[1.11, 3.45] | 0.98[0.58, 1.67] |