Fig. 5.
Replacements of M622 and Y616 differentially alter the response of GR to DEX and RU486 in F9 carcinoma cells
(a,b) Comparison of DEX (a) and RU486 (b) dose response curves of WT and mutant GR in transiently transfected F9 carcinoma cells using a TAT3 luciferase reporter. Luciferase units were normalized relative to the GR WT activity in the presence of 0.1 μM DEX or 10 nM RU486. At saturation, in F9 cells the activity of DEX-bound GR is about 100-fold higher than the activity of RU486-bound GR. Shown are the averages and standard deviations of three experiments performed in triplicates. (c) RU486 competition of DEX-bound GR WT and mutants (10 nM DEX). These experiments were performed as described in (a) and (b).