A) A schematic representation of the genomic arrangement of miR-130b. The putative miR-130b promoter is shown with the indicated transcription factor binding sites. Regions highlighted in red (in panels A and C) represent the mature miRNAs. B) Transcriptional activity of the miR-130b promoter is activated by Tax. Increasing amounts of Tax transfected into HeLa cells together with the putative miR-130 promoter-driven luciferase vector increased activity (see also Supplementary Figure 1). miR-130b-promoter-less luciferase reporter (pGL3) was used as a control which showed minimal luciferase activity. C) MiR-93 is found within the intron of MCM7. D) The expression levels of MCM7 were determined in the indicated HTLV-1 transformed (MT1, C81, MT4, 43T, ATL2) and non-HTLV-1 transformed (CEM, CEMSS, Jurkat) cell lines (lower panel). Higher levels of MCM7 were found in the HTLV-1 transformed cell lines when compared to the non-HTLV-1 transformed cell lines. The expression level of MCM7 was normalized to the amount of γ-tubulin and plotted in the histogram (upper panel). * and ** represent P < 0.05 and < 0.01 values, when compared with Jurkat cells.